Who Are We
The Alberta Association for Multicultural Education was created as a coordinating body to facilitate the work of educators, community organizations, groups and individuals involved in multicultural and anti-racism issues and projects.
Our purpose is to focus on the social and educational issues affecting diversity and multiculturalism issues and work towards increased cultural harmony among all Albertans.
Mission Statement:
The Alberta Association for Multicultural Education's [AAME] goal is to assist Alberta citizens and their organizations with ongoing dialogue, education and training in the areas of multiculturalism and anti-racism.
AAME's vision is an inclusive society in Alberta that values, respects and celebrates its diversity.

A Brief History
A.A.M.E. was a provincial affiliate of the Canadian Council for Multicultural and Intercultural Education (C.C.M.I.E.), an association of provincial and territorial organizations established in 1981 to foster and support multicultural and intercultural education in schools and communities.
This organization has ceased operation, but provincial affiliates, including AAME, remain in operation.
Our volunteer Board of Directors consists of individuals from across Alberta who bring to our association a rich and diverse set of skills, expertise, experiences and interests in multicultural and anti-racism education.
Become a Member
Members of AAME receive a newsletter, special invitations, a complimentary multifaith calendar and the ability to access our grant funding.