
for funding

We are here to support you!


Mission Statement:

The Alberta Association for Multicultural Education's [AAME] goal is to assist Alberta citizens and their organizations with ongoing dialogue, education and training in the areas of multiculturalism and anti-racism. AAME's vision is an inclusive society in Alberta that values, respects and celebrates its diversity.

Should we accept your idea, we want to work with you to spread your message. Please share how your project turns out and how it demonstrates our mission statement. We will accept many reporting styles – this can be decided according to the type of project.

While there are no restrictions on the amount of money that can be requested, we believe that great things can happen with modest amounts of money.

We require all funding requests come from AAME Members in good standing, who have been members for a minimum of (6 months.) To become a member, please contact us for more information.

Get Funding

We fund on a quarterly basis. Please submit your application with that timeline in mind.

Please input your organization name.
Please input your organization's address.
Please let us know your name.
Please let us know your email address.
Invalid Input your phone number
Please input the type of work that your organization do.
Please let us know if your organization a member of AAME.
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Project Description:
Please tell us how will you go about the project.
Please tell us how will your project impact the Mission and Vision of AAME?
Please tell us how will the funds be used.
Please tell us your project timeline.
Please include a full budget and to how the funds will be used.
Invalid Input
Please tell us how will you share the project results?
Please tell us how will AAME be recognized.
Please type your first name and last name.
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Become a Member

Members of AAME receive a newsletter, special invitations, a complimentary multifaith calendar and the ability to access our grant funding.